+385 (0)49 556 630 info@biserzagorja.hr https://www.biserzagorja.hr/manifestacije-zagorje/interaktivna-karta Details Active Holidays Tuhelj, Klanjec, Veliko Trgovišće
+385 (0)49 236 200 zupa.vtrgovisce@zg-nadbiskupija.hr https://zupavelikotrgovisce.com/kapela-blazene-djevice-marije-u-strmcu/ Details Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary Strmec
+385 (0)92 388 4120 bdmz.trgovisce@gmail.com https://zupavelikotrgovisce.com/ Details Church of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows Veliko Trgovišće
+385 49 556 151 http://www.velikaerpenja.com/ Details Memorial area to the Croatian mother Velika Erpenja